财新传媒 财新传媒




在外国,注册一个出版社不费吹灰之力,中国的学术带头人,土得一塌糊涂,克莱顿、克林顿不分,克莱顿大学的教授,就能成立一个顿莱克出版社,同时又开一个旅行社,就能一条龙服务的,同时开八个学术杂志的联合学术大会。每个杂志收个20篇文章,每个作者规定买个500本,反正中国国家科学基金会乐得当冤大头,这个杂志就有一万本的销量。世界许多顶尖专业杂志,还买不到这个销售量。 一年下来,全家旅游,加上伙食费都有着落了。





Dr. Anna Lau, Hong Kong_Shanghai Business Academy, Hong Kong



Dear Colleague,

We would like to invite you to the “Business and Social Science Research Conference” to be held at Novotel Hotel World Trade Centre, Dubai from January 3-4, 2011. Theoretical and/or empirical full papers or abstracts relating to broad field of Business and Social Sciences (Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economic, Management, Marketing, Business Statistics, Business Law and Business Education, Business Administration, Public Administration, Sociology, Psychology and Children Studies) are invited for the above international conference which is sponsored by World Academy of Social Sciences and the following EIGHT INTERNATIONAL PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS:
·         World Journal of Social Science
·         World Review of Business Research
·         Journal of Business & Policy Research
·         Global Economy and Finance Journal
·         International Review of Business Research Papers
·         World Journal of Management
·         Global Review of Accounting and Finance
·         Journal of Accounting, Finance & Economics
Publication opportunities:All accepted papers will be published by any of the above journalssubject to compliance to the review report, editorial comment and journal’s guidelines. Best paper award will be announced in each track and will be published in any of the above journals without any further cost and a certificate will be issued at the conference dinner. Selected papers may be published as book chapters by Cambridge Publishing House, London, United Kingdom and/or World Business Institute. In addition, all accepted abstract and full papers will be published online.
 You are also welcome to volunteer to participate as discussants, session chairs, reviewers and members of the scientific and review committee. The submission deadline is November 26, 2010. Submitted papers will be reviewed anonymously and authors will be notified of the Scientific and Review Committee’s decision within 2 weeks from receipt of your paper.Please visit our website www.worldconferencecare.com for more information and send your abstract/full papers to Ms. Nuha Jahan via dubaipap@gmail.comand njahan@wbint.org concurrently so we do not miss out on your paper.Please feel free to forward this announcement to others who might be interested in presenting papers at this conference.We look forward to seeing you in Dubai.Best regards,Prof. Stuart OrrConference ChairDeakin UniversityAustralia


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